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New years new shmears

Happy new years everyone! 2018 was a pretty good year for us and we've got some exciting announcements for next year. Our first gig of the year is Feb 2nd at Blakbar on Whyte ave on Saturday Feb 2nd, we've been working on some new tunes so don't miss this one! Second, we've received a grant for an Accidental Beach music video next summer! Now you won't have to wait as long until our next video is out. Much excite! Wow! Big thanks to the Edmonton Arts Council and the judges/reviewers there; it's so nice to have your work appreciated enough to be deemed worthy of a grant.

Third... well that's it for now, but we'll have another gig announcements for February soon and more in the spring!

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© Electric Audrey 2.  Sure, we're a real band.  You can't prove we're not.

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